10 Best Tips to Prevent Eye Injuries and Protect Your Vision

  Last Updated on March 21, 2025 by Aaron Barriga

People in certain professions are at a constant risk of an eye-injury. However, while their chances of hurting their eyes are higher than others, almost everyone else is also equally prone to an eye injury. Accidents around the house such as a flying objects or hitting the head against something can hurt your eye. Thankfully, you can prevent most eye-injuries or further aggravate an injury by taking a few precautions.

Simple Tips to Prevent an Eye Injury

The following tips will immensely help in preventing eye injuries on different occasions:

  • Using Protective Eye-Wear During Outdoor Activities And Sports
    Safety glasses and goggles are a must when your work exposes you to dust or flying particles. Activities such as welding, metal grinding etc. require protective eye gear. Use the right protective eye wear while playing sports such as tennis, swimming etc. too.
  • Being Extra Careful While Using Chemicals And Cleaners
    Read instructions carefully before using chemicals and cleaning supplies such as bleach, pesticide spray etc. Keep them away from the reach of children.
  • Supervise Your Child’s Use Of Sharp Tools And Objects
    Household items such as knives, scissors, forks, wire hangers, paper clips, fishhooks and even rubber bands can cause serious damage to the eye. Supervise kids when they are using these items and keep them away from their reach when not in use.
  • Don’t Buy Certain Children’s Toys
    Keep projectile toys such as darts, missile-firing toys away from children. Don’t allow them to play with non-powder rifles such as pellet guns and BB guns as well.
  • Avoid The Use Of Laser Pointers
    Laser pointers can permanently damage the retina when directly exposed to the eye. Partial vision loss is also possible. Don’t point the beam toward anyone’s eyes directly.
  • Exercise Caution While Cooking Or Using Hot Objects
    Splattering oil or high flames in kitchen can be dangerous. Use grease shields to keep the eyes safe. Avoid using a curling iron or hair-straightener near your eyes.
  • Eliminate Hazards Caused By Sharp Objects
    Cover sharp edges and corners of furniture with padded materials. Secure the railings and pointed objects too.
  • Leave Fireworks To Professionals
    Do not handle fireworks by yourselves and don’t let kids use them. If you want to indulge in fireworks for any occasion, call the professionals.
  • Open A Champagne Bottle With Extreme Caution
    Point the bottle away from yourself and bystanders. Place your palm over the while removing the wire hood and grasp the cork tightly until it comes out of the neck instead of letting it pop and fly.
  • Car Safety Measures
    Secure your child in a car-seat and seat belt. Keep loose and sharp objects in the truck.

Signs and Symptoms of an Eye Injury

  • Immense pain in the eye
  • Unusual pupil shape or size
  • Blood in the eye
  • Prominent sticking out of one eye
  • Torn or cut eyelid, or foreign object under the eyelid/on the eye
  • Blurred vision or restricted movement of one or both eyes

What to Do In Case Of an Eye Injury

Go to a doctor immediately, even if the injury seems minor. Delaying could further damage the eye, leading to permanent loss of vision. You should take the following precautions too:

  • Don’t rub, touch or apply pressure to the hurting eye
  • Flush out any chemicals the eye has been exposed to with clean water
  • Do not self-medicate
  • Don’t try to remove any foreign object stuck in the eye
  • Shield the eye with a gauze patch till you get medical attention

For any eye-related query or treatment, get in touch with your eye doctor in Fresno today!

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