Last Updated on May 28, 2024 by Aaron Barriga
Are you fed up of all the hassles that come with spectacles? Are you keen on trying contact lenses but have a lot of doubts regarding them? For instance – how to wear them correctly? How to clean them? Can they be worn for longer periods of time continually? Will you get dry and irritated eyes with their prolonged use? Such questions are obvious if you are trying on contact lenses for the first time. However, with proper precaution and care, you can enjoy all the benefits of contacts without any hassles.
The 5 helpful tips listed below are all you need to know in case you are a first-time wearer of contact lenses:
- It is extremely important that you clean your contact lenses every time before putting them on. Even your ophthalmologist will stress the importance of sticking to a strict lens care regime. Use a good quality contact lens solution to rinse and clean your lenses. Ensure that the solution is fresh in the lens case. For instance, when you put on your lens in the morning, drain the case, rinse it with fresh solution and leave it upside down to dry. Once it is completely dry, refill it with fresh contact lens solution.
- If you are wearing contact lenses for the first time, the very first challenge you will probably face is – how to put the lenses on. First, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. Next, you need to put the lens on your fingertip. It should be placed in a way that the contact should look like a little cup when held up against the light. Then, pull the upper eyelid upwards and bottom eyelid downwards to prevent blinking reaction. Look upwards and place the lens in your eye. Release the eyelids and close the eyes to allow the contact lens to settle. Repeat the same process with the other eye.
- Make sure that you keep the contacts hydrated at both times – when in use and when stored in the case. If the contacts turn dry they can irritate your eyes. In case you use lenses for extended periods of time they are more prone to becoming dry. An ideal solution would be to always carry the contact lens solution wherever you go. This will keep you better prepared to hydrate the lenses so they are comfortable to wear and use.
- First time wearers may experience problems like irritation or blurry vision due to contact lenses. It might be due to certain reasons such as poor contact lens hygiene, accumulation of debris etc. If such problems persist for a longer period of time even after taking the right precautions, its best to consult your eye doctor immediately.
- It is important that you strictly follow your ophthalmologist’s instructions regarding the use and maintenance of your contact lenses. For instance the wearing and replacement schedule, follow-up appointments, solution prescribed for your lens etc.
The above-listed tips are sure to help first time contact lens wearers get used to and handle their contact lenses appropriately. It is important to go for regular eye check-ups to ensure that you enjoy a healthy and perfect vision especially if you are wearing contact lenses. Our team of experts at Insight Vision Center can guide you on how best to use contact lenses for a perfect vision. Get in touch with us today.
Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK.