Essential Tips to Manage And Prevent Cataracts From Getting Worse

How to prevent cataracts from getting worse

If your vision is becoming cloudy or blurry, there is a chance you have a cataract, like 25 million other Americans. Cataract is a common condition, usually associated with aging, but it can also happen to young adults at times.

Research states that as many as 38.5 million people will have cataracts by 2032, and by 2050, 45.6 million will have it. Cataract causes the lens of the eye to become opaque and lead to impaired vision.

Progressively, it forms a yellowish-brown tint around your lens and reduces the sharpness of your vision, making it difficult to identify colors, read, or perform any daily activities effectively.

Read this article to learn what is a cataract, what causes cataracts, and how to prevent cataracts from getting worse.

What is a Cataract?

Cataracts are cloudy spots in the eye’s lenses that cause your vision to become blurred and hazy. It is a natural part of aging for most people. Since it affects our vision, it becomes a hindrance in our daily lives and activities such as reading or driving. But, if you look out for the symptoms of cataracts, you can stop cataracts from growing and getting worse. Some common symptoms are:

  • It becomes more difficult to see clearly at night
  • Your vision becomes hazy and unclear.
  • There is a change in your eye’s prescription.
  • Identifying colors is difficult.
  • You experience double vision.

What Causes Cataracts?

There are different types of cataracts, and they can be caused by different reasons. Generally, due to aging, there is a build of protein in the lens of the eye, which causes cataracts. There are other factors also that cause cataracts:

  • Age: People above 50 years are most likely to have cataracts.

    Also read: 11 Common Eye Problems in Old Age

  • Genetic Disorder: If someone in your family has it, it can pass it down to you.
  • Health Condition: People with diabetes have a higher chance of developing cataracts.
  • Medications: Certain medicines may increase the chances of cataracts.
  • Lifestyle: If you smoke, consume alcohol, or spend a lot of time in the sun without sunglasses you are likely to get cataracts.

How to Prevent Cataracts From Getting Worse?

Cataracts cannot be treated or cured with any diet or exercise, but a few precautions and lifestyle changes can help you prevent your cataract from getting worse.

  1. Wear Sunglasses: The Sun’s ultraviolet rays and exposure to UV light cause significant damage to our eyes and increase chances of getting cataracts. So, it is always advisable to wear sunglasses that block 99-100% of UVA and UVB even on a cloudy day.

    Consult InSight Vision Center to get Perfect Eyeglasses!

  2. Watch Your Blood Sugars if You Have Diabetes: If your blood sugar remains high for a long time, it causes your eye lens to swell. People with diabetes are more likely to have cataracts, so it is better to keep your blood sugar levels in check if you have diabetes.
  3. Avoid Steroid Eye Drops: Steroid eye drops are prescribed for a few conditions such as dry eyes or flare-ups. If these drops are used for a longer time, they can aid in cataract formation. So, if you are using such eye drops, get your eyes checked regularly.
  4. Check Medicinal Side Effects: Many regularly prescribed medicines have side effects that can speed up cataract formation. If you take medicines regularly, ask your doctor if there are any side effects that you should be aware of and are at risk for cataracts.
  5. Live a Healthy Lifestyle: It is very important to live a healthy life and include healthy and nutritious meals in your regular diet. If you smoke, stop it and also reduce your alcohol consumption. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can reduce your chances of getting a cataract.
  6. Have Regular Eye Exams: Even if your vision is fine, make it a habit to visit your eye doctor regularly. Doctors will test your vision, diagnose if there are any issues, and treat them before they get worse.
  7. Consider Cataract Surgery: If your cataract has set in or progressed significantly and is disturbing your daily activities, you must consider removing it surgically. The only way to remove a cataract is through cataract surgery, which involves replacing the natural cloudy lens in your eye with an artificial one. Take your eye doctor’s advice on the best corrective lens options for you.

Related read: Eye Relaxation Exercises That Actually Work to Improve Your Vision

Experience Clearer Vision: Expert Cataract Surgery at InSight Vision Center

If you or anyone in your family is experiencing blurred vision or difficulty seeing clearly, it is best to get help from experts. If surgery is required, we provide the best medical assistance and use the latest technology for cataract surgeries.

Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens inside your eye and replacing it with an artificial intraocular (IOL) lens to restore your focusing power. Phacoemulsification is the preferred cataract surgery technique, using a tiny, suture-free incision for a quick recovery.

Once the cataract is removed, the surgeon inserts the artificial lens. Most patients who undergo cataract surgery experience successful vision restoration. Your doctor will decide the best technique for you based on your vision needs and a thorough check-up.

Don’t let cataracts blur your life—book a consultation for expert cataract surgery now!

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