
eye care

Blurry vision and migraine

An American Migraine Study conducted in 1999 says that in the U.S., 38 million people are living with migraines, out of which 44% people suffer from migraines due to vision changes and blurred vision.

It’s normal for our vision to deteriorate as we age. However, not many people realize that their eyesight may have gone from bad to worse with age.

Continue reading Eye Conditions That Trigger Blurry Vision and Migraines

Eye Irritation due to Contact lens

Contact lenses are safe and convenient, but they bring along quite a few minor annoyances. If you have been wearing contact lenses for long, you may have experienced these little common annoyances at some point in life, which may include eye irritation, itchy eyes, dry eyes, blurry vision, and the constant feeling that something is stuck in your eye.

Continue reading Causes of Blurred Vision & Eye Irritation from Contact Lense

What is Presbyopia

What Is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a common eye condition that many people experience after the age of 40. It is a refractive eye condition, which is normal for an individual to have.

Continue reading Presbyopia: Symptoms and Treatment

Dry eyes in winter

It comes as no surprise that the winter season transforms the outside world. It also makes us switch up our daily routines to prepare for the necessary changes that winter brings in.

However, when the chilling effects of the colder months are in full swing, your wardrobe is not the only change you need to make to prepare for the winter. Winters affect our bodies and health too. You need to be prepared for this change too.

Continue reading Dry Eyes in Winter: 6 Ways To Prevent Them

Eye problems associated with eye makeup

“A woman without paint is like food without salt.”
– Platus
For centuries, cosmetics have played a crucial role in beautifying women. One of the features that women love to enhance is their eyes. In ancient times, Egyptian women applied dark green color to their under the lid and soot or antimony to darken their lashes and upper eyelids. Times have changed and so are the makeup trends.

Continue reading All You Need to Know About Eye Problems Associated with Eye Makeup

Home Eye Safety

Every year, almost 50% of the estimated 2.5 million eye injuries occur at home, with the most common sites being the garage or the yard.

Source:  American Academy of Ophthalmology

Most people wear safety glasses at work and when playing sports but the same people won’t think about eye safety at home when cooking, cleaning the yard, or doing work in the garage. All too often, when people are doing household chores, they tend to forget about the risks they take by not wearing protective eyewear. A split-second is all it takes to impair your vision for life so reduce the risk of potential eye injuries at home by following these:

Continue reading 7 Eye Safety Tips for Protection against Home Hazards

protect your eyes from pollution

In the recent “State of the Air” report released by The American Lung Association, eight of the USA’s 10 most-polluted cities are in California. Bakersfield, Visalia, Fresno, Sacramento, Modesto, and Redding are a few cities in California reported for being highly ozone-polluted.

The Rise in Ozone Pollution

Ozone pollution increases in warmer temperatures. Smog that is formed on warm, sunny days is a mix of toxic chemicals and gases emitted from vehicles and industrial plants. The pollution level has risen to such a high level that it is affecting millions of Americans. Some of the health concerns reported are asthma, lung cancer, premature death, cardiovascular disease, and developmental and reproductive damage.

Continue reading The Threat is Real: Air Pollution in California Can Affect Your Vision

eye injury

A do-it-yourself morning, a game of squash, a simple champagne cap, or cleaning agents… every day our eyes are exposed to many dangers. Although its curved shape protects the eye, it can also be the target of trauma. The front part remains exposed to aggression despite the blinking of the eyelids. A moment of inattention is enough for the eye to be injured.

What Is an Eye Emergency?

Whether it is a shock, a foreign body or a toxic product, the trauma of the eye is always to be taken seriously. A consultation at an emergency eye clinic is always necessary, since the pain is not always sufficient to assess the urgency.

Causes of an Eye Emergency

  1. Chemical injury to the eye: Chemicals powders, aerosol, liquids, gases or vapors can enter the eye during daily activities at work or home and if not treated can affect vision.
  2. A foreign object in the eye: The eye is exposed to foreign bodies at the workplace or outdoors. Sharp particles such as dust, wood or metal chips, splinters, or fragments of a tool can enter the eye and cause an eye emergency.
  3. Cuts and scratches: Rubbing the eye when a foreign body is present, getting poked in the eye with a pointed object results in cuts or scratches and bleeding thereafter.
  4. Trauma: Blood vessels in your eye may also burst due to vomiting, sneezing, or rubbing your eyes causing a dark patch. A sudden accident, sports-related eye injury can lead to bleeding under the skin which causes a black eye effect and demands immediate care to save the cornea from damage.

First Aid

Don’t panic and try to calm the person affected. While it is important to rush the person for emergency eye care immediately, a few precautionary steps before you reach out to the clinic can save from potential damage. Here are few steps you can take:

Chemical injury to the eye:

  1. Tilt the person’s face such that the eye is facing down and sideways. Flush it with fresh
  2. You can hold the persons face under a tap or shower, if both the eyes are affected.
  3. Allow the running water to rinse the affected eye for 15-20 minutes.
  4. If the person is wearing contact lenses which do not get flushed out, try removing them after rinsing the chemical out from the eye.
  5. Seek immediate medical attention.

A foreign object in the eye:

  1. Do not attempt to remove the object or press the eye.
  2. Clean your hands with water and soap.
  3. Bandage both eyes to prevent any kind of movement of the eyelids. If the foreign object is large, tape a clean paper cup on the eye to prevent any pressure from the bandage.
  4. Visit emergency eye care without any delay.

Cuts and scratches:

  1. In case of bleeding, wipe it with a clean and soft cloth without applying pressure.
  2. Apply a cold compress to control bleeding and avoid swelling.
  3. If bleeding continues, cover the eye with a cloth and rush to nearest eye care facility.


  1. In case of a black eye or rupturing of blood vessels in the eye, apply a cold compress to
    reduce pain and further swelling or blackening of the eye.
  2. Emergency consultation is necessary thereafter.

Although it may be a reflex, you should not under any circumstances force to open an eye, or rub your eyes with your hands. This would scratch the cornea. In the case of a foreign body, even visible, the use of tweezers to try to remove it is prohibited.

When to Contact an Eye Surgeon?

An immediate consultation with an eye surgeon is required when:

  • there is a visible eye injury;
  • there has been contact with a chemical product;
  • the pain remains very strong even after an eye rinse;
  • the vision is disturbed or in case of sensitivity to bear the light;
  • there is a trauma such as a blow or shock with a small object, even in the absence of disturbing symptoms.

The watchword is caution, it is better to consult an emergency eye care specialist and find that there is no anomaly rather than missing a serious problem. If you are in Fresno, you can just search for ‘emergency eye care near me’ and contact an ophthalmologist in Fresno without much hassle.

Yoga for Eyes

Our fast-paced life calls for a little bit of exercise to improve our health. Hours of full-body workouts at the gym often make us neglect our eye health and the prolonged use of digital displays could be doing more damage to our eyes than we imagine.

Today, Yoga is being practiced by people the world over and an exercise that was once practiced by a few is now gravitating towards becoming a fitness mantra.

Continue reading Benefits of Eye Yoga

How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam

According to recent reports by the CDC, approximately 14 million Americans aged 12 years and older have self-reported visual impairment defined as distance visual acuity of 20/50 or worse.

That’s not all! Out of the estimated 61 million adults in the United States classified as being at high risk for serious vision loss, only half of them actually visited an ophthalmologist in the past 12 months!

Continue reading How Often To Get Eye Exam?

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