Please Request your appointment and we will get back to you as soon as possible. First Name*Last Name*Patient Type* New Patient Existing Patient Phone*Email* Select Your Desired Doctor*Select Your Desired DoctorERIC J. POULSEN, MDAZHAR I. SALAHUDDIN, MDSHARON S. HIYAMA, ODPATRICK J. SCOTT, ODLISA L. LU, ODANDREW MAXWELL, MD, PHDSANKET SHAH, MDASHLEY RILEY, MDNO PREFERENCEDate of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY REASON FOR VISIT*REASON FOR VISITMedical Eye ProblemAnnual Vision ExamLASIK ConsultHow did you find us?*How did you find us?FacebookInstagramTikTokSocial MediaOtherPlease Specify Other*CAPTCHA Δ