Eye twitching is a pretty common phenomena that involves an involuntary spasm of the muscles
in the eyelid. It typically lasts for a few seconds or minutes. It can come and go over a few days
or weeks.
Here are 7 reasons for an eye twitch:
Stress, Fatigue and Lack of Sleep
Our bodies react differently to stress and can result in eye strain. Fatigue and lack of
sleep again can result in a twitching eye.
Alcohol consumption can take a toll on your health and can result in muscle exhaustion
making your eye twitch at times.
Dry Eye
People, who wear contact lenses and take medication are more prone to dry eyesyndrome. Dry eyes often result in eye twitching.
Eye Strain
Spending a lot of time in front of computer screens and continuous use of technology can
lead to an eye twitch. You should schedule an eye exam as you may need to get an eye
check up done, especially for those of you who wear glasses.
Middle-aged women may experience eye twitching due to a nerve disorder which
involves frequent muscle contraction.
Allergies and Irritation
Foreign particles such as dust, smoke and chemicals can result in swelling, itching and
watery eyes and all of those can make your eye twitch at times.
Nutritional Imbalance
There is a possibility of getting an eye twitch due to lack of magnesium in your diet.
Tips to Get Relief
Sleep properly for 6-8 hours
Ditch the coffee and avoid caffeine
Massage your eyelids
Put an ice pack with a few drops of chamomile or rose oil on to get some releif from your
eye twitch
Drinking chamomile or lavender tea can help alleviate stress and relax your eye twitch
When is it Time to Consult a Doctor?
A twitching eyelid may not require immediate medical attention. However, persistent spasms
may indicate a brain or nervous system disorder. If you have any of the following symptoms, you
should consult your doctor:
Swollen red eye that may have some uncommon discharge
Drooping upper eyelid
Every time your eyelid twitches, your eyelid completely closes
Twitching for several days
Twitching infects other body parts
Eye health is a vital part of your well-being. If you want to ditch the twitch and are looking for a trusted eye doctor in Fresno, call us on 559-449-5050.
Age-related Macular Degeneration is a widespread eye condition that causes vision loss among people who are 50 years and above. If you’re worried that you’re not able to see things straight ahead, it is possible that a small spot near the center of your retina has been damaged. The disease may progress differently amongst different people. For some, it doesn’t cause a problem for a long time, while for others; they may develop a loss of vision in one or both eyes. It then becomes an obstacle in performing daily activities such as reading, writing, driving, household chores and seeing faces.
Stages of AMD
Early AMD
There exists a medium-sized drusen, approximately the width of a typical human hair. However, people in this stage do not suffer from loss of vision.
Intermediate AMD
Although people will not experience any symptoms, this stage may result in loss of vision. Here, the drusen is larger and some discoloration would appear in the retina. However, these changes can only be identified after an eye exam.
Late AMD
People at this stage will experience a loss of vision. There are two types of late AMD.
Dry AMD where communication of the visual information with the brain is weakened, which results in the loss of vision. Around 80% of people experience Dry AMD, wherein you gradually lose your central vision.
Wet AMD where the central part of the retina is swollen and damaged. This can happen pretty quickly and is serious. Although it is less common, it is much more severe. You’re likely to have unusual blood vessels growing under your retina, which results in a discharge of blood and other fluids.
Your chances of losing your vision are higher with Wet AMD than Dry AMD. Moreover, one can experience both Dry and Wet AMD at the same time and either one can appear first.
Risk Factors
There are several risk factors involved in the possibility of Age-related Macular Degeneration. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle which includes smoking, consuming a diet rich in saturated fat that comprises meat, butter and cheese can lead to cardiovascular disease and being overweight. Besides, continuous exposure to the sun without eye protection can also lead to Age-related Macular Degeneration.
There are also a few factors that are beyond anyone’s control which involve a person aging, being a Caucasian, a family history of AMD, having far sightedness and if you are a female, can all lead to Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Symptoms of AMD
Symptoms may not appear in the early stages of AMD. You may notice that the quality of your vision would weaken and that straight lines may appear irregular to you. Moreover, dark, cloudy areas or whiteout as well as your ability to recognize colors may also alter.
Treatment of AMD
Eye drops are applied to widen your pupil that allows the doctor to look into the inside of your eye with the help of a special lens.
Your doctor may also inject a yellow dye into your arm, which travels throughout your blood vessels and with the help of a special camera, your doctor will be able to check if there is any unusual development of blood vessels under the retina.
For patients with Wet AMD, anti-VEGF treatments help to minimize the development of unusual blood vessels in the retina and also controls any leaking that may have happened. There are also laser treatments available for people with Wet AMD.
Good eye health is a very significant part of your well-being. If you think you might be at risk of developing AMD, and are looking for an experienced ophthalmologist in Fresno, call us on 559-449-5050.
Regarded as one of the safest and most commonly performed procedures, the cataract surgery lasts 10-20 minutes on average, under topical anesthesia, and allows an intraocular lens (IOL) to be inserted instead of the opaque lens, leading to a total recovery of your visual ability. Most patients return to normal life as early as the next day, but of course, it is necessary to take some precautions to prevent potential cataract surgery complications.
Our fast-paced life calls for a little bit of exercise to improve our health. Hours of full-body workouts at the gym often make us neglect our eye health and the prolonged use of digital displays could be doing more damage to our eyes than we imagine.
Today, Yoga is being practiced by people the world over and an exercise that was once practiced by a few is now gravitating towards becoming a fitness mantra.
Getting a LASIK surgery can be an exciting prospect. After all, you won’t have to deal with spectacles or contact lenses anymore! However, as exciting as it is getting under the laser, you must avoid some commonly made mistakes since one tiny slip can cost you your vision.
In this article, we will look at some common pitfalls that you must avoid to get the perfect vision with absolutely no side-effects after the surgery.
Low-Cost Surgeries: Price is the first thing you would check and opting for a low-cost surgery would mean risking your vision. It is important to remember that LASIK surgery is affordable but not cheap. If the doctors are charging a low price for the surgery, it should be a warning sign. Some reasons why they offer a low price include:
They are inexperienced.
They are using older technology which can lead to complications during surgery.
They charge extra for medications, enhancements and post-op care.
They have limited diagnostic equipment to conduct LASIK surgery exam to determine if you are indeed a good candidate for the surgery or not.
Non-Availability of Documented Results: Doctors claiming that they have successfully treated hundreds of thousands of patients using LASIK procedure should have solid proof to back it up. Look for a surgeon who is willing to provide you documented results and takes no offense when you ask for them. Keeping a detailed record of the results would be a great service not only to the surgeon but also his patients.
Opting for a Center Based Solely on High Number of Surgeries: Quality over quantity — you must have heard this phrase many times. The same can be applied for LASIK eye surgery as well. Just because a center has performed a large number of surgeries, it doesn’t necessarily imply that the surgeons perform a good quality job. Centers making these claims generally have numerous surgeons performing a limited number of procedures each. Ask your surgeon how many procedures they have performed — either on a daily or weekly basis. Even if the number is not as high as 100,000 (as some centers claim), check their success rate with the number of surgeries they have performed.
Surgeons Offering Quick Consultations: The consultation should be an easy process but definitely not a quick one. A good consultation consists of various tests to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure or not. You should undergo a minimum of 12 diagnostic eye exams and be personally examined by the surgeon performing the procedure. In case you are subjected just 2 to 3 tests and declared a suitable candidate, it should be a sign to look for another surgeon. The ophthalmologist must take out the time required to carry every single test without rushing. At the same time, they should be able to answer every single question you have regarding the procedure.
Choosing Someone With Obsolete Technology: Ask the eye specialist what kind of equipment they would use for the procedure. Ensure they are offering only the advanced technology to conduct the surgery. There are numerous centers which follow the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach which could be disastrous for you. The doctors must invest in different lasers which can allow them to customize treatments based on individual patient cases and offer them the best possible result. Look for those offering a blade-free treatment using only FDA approved equipment.
We, at Insight Vision Center, understand that while getting a LASIK operation is exciting, it can also be slightly nerve-wracking. We assure that we can answer any questions you have regarding the procedure and we will make our best effort to put you at ease. If you need to contact a reputed and experienced LASIK surgeon in Fresno, call us today and make an appointment.
According to recent reports by the CDC, approximately 14 million Americans aged 12 years and older have self-reported visual impairment defined as distance visual acuity of 20/50 or worse.
That’s not all! Out of the estimated 61 million adults in the United States classified as being at high risk for serious vision loss, only half of them actually visited an ophthalmologist in the past 12 months!
While you might know that about half the population of America (150 million people) wear corrective eyewear, did you know that Americans spend more than $15 billion each year simply on corrective eyewear? Yes, it’s true.
While eye glasses and contact lenses might seem like a very cost-effective option, you would be surprised to know how much you actually end up shelling out while using glasses and lenses over your lifetime. Let us take a look at the different kinds of costs associated with the available methods of vision correction:
With every passing year, the number of people suffering from vision problems is increasing exponentially due to different reasons that range from loss of flexibility of distance vision to aging vision. While the culprit is partly aging, a major reason is the modern, sedentary lifestyle.
Constant working on computers, binge-watching TV series, use of fluorescent lighting, air conditioning, and lack of exercise – all of these habits exert additional strain on your eyes and cause blurry vision. So break your poor vision habits and start exercising for overall health because that will not only help you stay fit but also keep several eye diseases away.
Whether you want to prevent your eyesight from getting worse or don’t want to wear glasses shortly, following these eye relaxation exercises will dramatically improve your vision and reduce eye strain:
8 Top Effective Eye Exercises To Improve Eyesight
1. Blink Your Eyes More Often
Continued exposure to digital devices such as TV screens and the use of computers for extended periods leads to dry eyes and dry eyes cause headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision. When the eyes are absorbed in the screen, the blink rate drops from 20bpm to 6-8bpm.
So the next time you feel the eye strain, consciously blink your eyes and it will lubricate the eyes while refreshing your brain to process new visual data more efficiently. Additionally, you can breathe deeply to reduce overall stress and improve your focus.
2. Palm for Relaxed Vision Therapy
This is a highly effective eye relaxation technique that you can use every time your eyes feel tired and worn.
All you need to do is sit comfortably and cup your hands over the socket of your eyes to apply gentle pressure. Keep your eyes closed and stare into the dark space while staying focused in the distance. Hold the pressure till you see all the residual tones fade to black.
This eye relaxation exercise will work to reset your vision, lubricate your eyes, and allow your eyes to rest and relax from eye fatigue. Do this exercise for at least 30 seconds and relieve the stress around your eyes.
3. Trace an Eight
This eye exercise will increase the flexibility of your eye muscles and improve your vision. Visualize a gigantic 8 almost 10 feet away from you and turn it on its side. Now sketch it with your eyes slowly for a few minutes – first clockwise and then anticlockwise. Be perseverant with this and it will help maintain clear vision and reduce eye fatigue.
4. Roll Your Eyes
To perform these types of eye exercises, slowly roll your eyes to the right and then slowly shift your gaze to the left. Keep doing the same thing but in opposite directions. Then move your gaze in different directions by looking from right to left and then up and down and in a circular motion. You can also draw geometric figures with your gaze. Repeat the process of eye-rolling five to ten times.
5. Follow the 20-20-20 rule
To keep your eyes from getting tired at work, take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and focus on something that is located at least 20 feet away from you. This exercise helps prevent digital eye strain and eye damage in the long run, and it also relaxes your facial muscles, providing overall relief.
6. Focus on Objects Near and Far
People with glasses often get lethargic at gazing and this is a major reason they fail to maintain healthy vision. To do the near and far focus exercise you need to sit in a comfortable position, take off your glasses, and hold one of your thumbs close up and the other at your arm’s length.
Start by focusing on your thumb held close up, followed by the one that’s at your arm’s length, then focus on something that is sitting across the room, and finally on a distant object that is far away like across the road.
While you do this eye exercise make sure, all four points are situated along the same line of sight so the change in focus is subtle. Spend 2 seconds on every object and try to obtain a clear image of every item.
Doing these kinds of eye exercises like near-far focus to improve eye comfort will relax your eyes.
7. Do the Clock Exercise
This exercise helps your tired eyes feel better and can stop headaches and eye pain.
Picture a big clock in front of you. Move your eyes to where 6 would be then to where 12 would be without moving your head
Next, move your eyes to the opposite pairs on the clock — 3 and 9, 4 and 10, 5 and 11, and so on. Look at each number for a second or two before moving to the next one. Do this for 4-5 minutes to alleviate eye strain.
8. Zooming
Start by holding your thumb and index finger together in a “pinch” gesture at arm’s length. Bring your finger and thumb slowly up to your face, focusing on your thumb’s tip until it gets hazy. Then, slowly return your arm to its maximum length while keeping your thumb in focus. Ten times through, repeat this workout.
Doing these eye exercises for several minutes every day will strengthen your eye muscles and improve your overall eye health naturally but the best way to be really sure that your eyes stay healthy is to visit an eye care professional regularly.
Book an appointment with an ophthalmologist in Fresno today to find eye diseases early on and prevent long-term vision problems.
It’s crucial to take care of your eyes at any point in life, but more so as you get older. It’s common knowledge that men and women are prone to developing common eye disorders and diseases with advancing age. However, research shows that the latter group may be at higher risk.
Let’s look at how age affects your eyes, how to maintain healthy vision for women, and why regularly visiting an ophthalmologist in Fresno (or your local area) is so important.
Women and Eye Health: What the Research Says
According to a study by Prevent Blindness, AMD or age-related macular degeneration is more common among women than men, as are glaucoma and cataracts. There are also more cases of visual impairment or blindness in American women over the age of 40 than men in the same age group.
However, women generally seem to be unaware of the threat:
Fewer than 10% of women in America know that they are at a higher risk of developing vision loss than men.
A whopping 86% of them believe the risk of permanent vision loss is equal for both men and women.
In addition, 5% of women believe the risk is higher for men than it is for women.
Top 5 Reasons for Early Vision Loss in Women
Here’s why women could develop low vision earlier than men:
Longevity – According to the statistics, women usually have a longer lifespan than men. Many eye diseases, including AMD, glaucoma, cataract and diabetic retinopathy, are related to advancing age.
Hormones – Women experience serious hormonal fluctuations more frequently than men, especially during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal changes have been linked to dry eye and other vision problems.
Lifestyle – Eye health is affected by lifestyle choices such as obesity, nutrition, exercise and smoking. While these factors are not limited to women, obesity and poor diets are on the rise among the adult female population.
Socio-Economic Factors – Early detection and treatment of eye problems are often key to preventing vision loss, but various social or economic factors affect access to quality eye health care for women.
Medication – Women generally take more prescription and non-prescription drugs than men. Many of these can lead to vision changes, e.g. birth control pills and medication for hormone replacement.
Precautions and Tips to Prevent Eye Conditions
Here are some eye care tips to help you maintain better vision and eye health:
Eye Tests – Visit an ophthalmologist for regular checkups, especially during pregnancy. Get a full dilated eye exam if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and are pregnant or planning a baby.
Quit Smoking – Smoking seriously damages your health, and it can double the risk of AMD. It also makes you more prone to developing cataracts, which can only be corrected with eye surgery.
Use Protection – Eye protection, that is. Sunglasses with 100% UV protection and wide-brimmed hats can reduce sun damage, but also use protective eyewear while swimming, using tools or playing sports.
Cosmetic Safety – Make sure your face, hands and brushes are clean while applying eye makeup, and don’t ever share makeup or use expired products. Also ensure your hands are clean while putting in or removing contact lenses.
Healthy Food & Exercise – Eat a balanced diet with plenty of antioxidant and Omega-3 rich foods for healthy eyes. Regular exercise will also help you maintain eye health and reduce the risk of diabetes-related vision loss.
Recent data has confirmed that the complication rate with LASIK eye surgery is less than 1% and rarely do the complications have a significant impact. Also, the risk of eye infections following a LASIK eye surgery is negligible. LASIK eye surgery has come a long way with evolving advances in medical technology and this is why the requirements for LASIK surgery have also become relatively relaxed. However, the procedure is not right for everyone and so, LASIK eye surgery candidate is required to undergo a preoperative eye evaluation to help determine if they are eligible.
While there are many eye defects LASIK can treat effectively, the candidate must meet the following eligibility criteria to experience a positive outcome:
Your Age
If you are under 21 years of age, your ophthalmologist may recommend that you wait till your vision stabilizes.
If you are in your early 40’s, it is important for you to know that you may still need reading glasses at a later stage in your life.
If you are in your 60’s, your eyes need to be assessed for any pre-existing cataracts that can interfere with the outcome of your LASIK eye surgery.
If you have cataracts, a corrective surgery might actually work to restore your vision apart from correcting any eye condition that you might have.
You Don’t Suffer From any Eye Diseases
Potential candidates should not be suffering from any eye diseases including corneal disease, keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, optic nerve diseases and certain retinal diseases. Also, LASIK eye surgery candidate must exhibit good general eye health and should not be suffering from specific eye conditions like herpes zoster or herpes simplex.
Your Eyes Have Not Suffered any Injury So Far
Lasik surgery candidate should not have suffered any eye injuries or infections.
Overall Health
A candidate for LASIK must be healthy and free from autoimmune diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, or collagen vascular disease. Also, they should not be undergoing any treatment where they are prescribed any medication that can compromise the immunity of the patient.
You are Neither Nursing nor Pregnant
LASIK eye surgery candidate should not be pregnant or nursing mother because the hormonal fluctuations occurring during this stage affect the stability of your prescription. This is why lactating mothers or expecting women don’t qualify for a LASIK procedure until they discontinue nursing and complete at least three menstrual cycles.
You Have Stable Vision
LASIK eye surgery candidate must have stable vision for at least a year before they can undergo a minimally invasive LASIK procedure.
You Have Not Been Wearing Contacts Recently
Ophthalmologists recommend that prior to undergoing a LASIK eye surgery, potential candidates must not wear contacts for a specific time frame which is typically determined by your ophthalmologist depending on your unique eye condition. This facilitates precise assessment of the patient’s prescription and also ensures corneal stability before the LASIK eye surgery can be performed.
The Medical Checklist Your Eye Doctor will look at before LASIK eye surgery
This is the medical checklist that you should work out with your doctor before opting for LASIK eye surgery:
Corneal Examination
A corneal examination is done to determine the thickness of the corneal walls, corneal strength, and also look for corneal diseases or abnormalities before LASIK. A thin cornea can cause problems and thus make you non-eligible for LASIK.
Check the Intraocular Pressure
This is done to rule out the chances of glaucoma, an eye condition caused by an increase of pressure in the eyes that could possibly damage your vision and optic nerve.
Check Eye Lubrication
Determining the lubrication in the eyes is important as it will determine if you are at an increased risk of dryness post surgery. You can go ahead with LASIK eye surgery if the tear production is satisfactory.
Determine the Pupil Size
Since a larger pupil size can increase the risk for side effects like glare or halos post surgery, your doctor will also do a few tests to determine your pupil size.
Check the Image Quality of Eyes
Your doctor will also determine the quality of the image your eye can produce after it is fully corrected with glasses. The ‘aberrations’ will be measured and it would be assured that the eye is properly focused and capable of producing good images.
Note Your Medical History
Your doctor needs to understand your medical history that might be a possible hindrance to your vision before you go in for your LASIK operation.
If you want to make sure that you qualify as a LASIK eye surgery candidate, schedule a consultation with the most trusted ophthalmologist in Fresno – Dr. Eric J Poulsen at InSight Vision Center.