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Considering a laser eye surgery? Have you done your research on Lasik eye surgery? Don’t wish to get overwhelmed with jargon and unnecessary details? Lasik Surgeon at InSight Vision Center, Fresno, CA we will provide you with all the necessary information in simple terms so that you make an informed choice.

Terms Associated with Lasik Eye Surgery


  • Astigmatism



    1. A term that is used for describing the defective anatomy of an eye. Any eye that has a complex shape and is not perfectly round in shape is called an astigmatic eye.


    1. Ablation
      The surgical removal of tissue from the cornea for correcting astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.


    1. Bladeless Lasik
      A vision correction surgery that uses the IntraLase laser to create a uniform flap of the corneal tissue without using any blade.


    1. Bilateral Lasik
      A vision correction procedure that is performed on both the eyes.


    1. Cornea
      That area of the eyeball which focuses light at the back of the eye and comprises of five layers of tissue.


    1. Corneal Flap
      The creation of the corneal flap is the very first step of the surgery for correcting vision. This protective flap is then manipulated for proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Corneal Epithelium
      This is the soft tissue that covers the front portion of the cornea.


    1. Dry Eyes
      When the eye is incapable of producing tears, the deficiency is described as dry eyes. It results in irritation, burning sensation and a persistent feeling of foreign particles being present in the eye.


    1. Diopter
      This is the standard unit for measuring the refractive error. While a negative diopter indicates myopia, a positive value signifies the presence of hyperopia.


    1. Excimer Laser
      A refractive surgical procedure that involves the use of an ultraviolet laser for removing corneal tissues.


    1. Hyperopia
      The inability of the eye to focus on objects in close proximity due to a refractive error.


    1. Intraocular lens
      An artificial lens designed to replace the cloudy eye lens.


    1. Lens
      This is the clear structure which is located just behind the iris. The lens allows the eye to focus on objects that are up close and distant.


    1. Keratectomy
      A surgery performed to remove the tissue from the cornea and reshape it using laser energy.


    1. Myopia
      Defines a refractive error which makes it difficult to see objects that are placed at a distance. The condition is often caused by a steep cornea or a long eye which prevents proper focusing of light onto the retina.


    1. Pupil
      This is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering into the eye. The iris contracts in bright light causing the pupil to shrink in size so that less light passes through and expands in the dark to allow more light.


    1. Retina
      Retina is the fine nerve tissue lining the inside of the eye that acts as a protective film. The retina is responsible for capturing images and transmitting them to the brain.


    1. Stroma
      This is the thickest layer of tissue found in the cornea.


    1. Visual Acuity
      Describes the sharpness of vision.


  1. Wavefront
    A standard measure of the refractive error for astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia.

These are commonly used terms that you should know prior to your eye surgery because it is important to understand how the vision correction procedure will restore your eyesight in a safe and efficient manner. If you have any concerns or queries regarding the LASIK procedure, get in touch with our eye care specialists in Fresno, CA at 559-449-5050 to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.

new technology in optometry

Are you contemplating having eye surgery to get rid of those spectacles?

Well, think no more as modern technology allows you to do just that. Superior vision technology has transformed the world of eye care right from diagnosis and treatment to equipment and recovery. Vision technology has witnessed some amazing scientific breakthroughs in the past few years and these advances are rapidly changing the future of those with chronic eye conditions. Here are 5 ways innovative technology is making a massive difference to the eye health of millions across the globe:

Continue reading 5 Benefits of Advanced Eye Care Technology

is lasik safe for teens

Here at InSight Vision Center, we will address all your concerns related to refractive surgeries and advanced eye care. From what is the right option for a teen and the ideal age to undergo refractive surgery to the cons and consequences of LASIK for teenagers, every question regarding vision correction will be answered keeping your best interests in mind.

Continue reading Is LASIK Eye Surgery a Safe and Effective Option for Teens?

before and after lasik eye surgery

It is important to take care of your eyes. Sometimes you may experience eye defects like astigmatism, bifocal vision, nearsightedness and farsightedness. LASIK eye surgery is a surgical procedure used to correct eye defects. Here are some precautions which you need to take before, during and after surgery.

Continue reading Precautions To Take Before and After Lasik Eye Surgery

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are worn directly over the cornea. They perform the same function as eyeglasses. Refractive errors are corrected by contact lenses and eye glasses. Contact lenses are safe to use and are a good alternative to eye glasses. 24 million people in the U.S.A. wear contact lenses.

Contact lenses are used to correct conditions such as:

  • Presbyopia (Bifocals are needed)
  • Astigmatism (Vision is distorted)
  • Hyperopia (Far sightedness)
  • Myopia (Near sightedness)

Choose an optometrist who is experienced. You must have a pair of eye glasses as a backup. Which contact lenses to choose depends on your medical condition. There are two kinds of contact lenses which are soft lenses and gas permeable lenses.

Contact lenses should not be worn for a very long time and must be removed at bed time. Damage can occur to the cornea if not properly used. The cornea can catch infections if it is not properly cleaned and cared for.

Intolerance can develop if lenses are not worn properly. Gas permeable lenses can cause damage to the cornea if not worn properly or worn during sleep. They can be hidden under the lid of the eye. They can pop out of the eye. Protein build up can cause lens related allergies. Discomfort and blurring can occur. It is important to clean the lens properly. People with allergies must use disposable or rigid gas permeable lenses.

Some conditions can stop you from wearing lenses:

  • Not taking proper care of the lenses
  • Dirty working environment
  • Dry eye
  • Allergies
  • Eye infections

Contact lenses should be cleaned to remove germs and prevent any infections. They should be replaced every 3 months. Don’t use contact lenses solution again. Dispose off the lenses solution in the lens case after each use and let the case air dry. Do not put your lens in your mouth. Don’t use homemade cleaning solutions. Use only good quality eye drops. Wash hands before wearing lenses. Don’t share your lens. Don’t use fashion lenses.

Follow the guidelines of the optometrist. Consult an optometrist if your eyes are sensitive to light, your eyes are painful, your eye is red for more than two days, you have discharge coming out of your eyes, you have blurry vision or your eyes feel scratchy. Get your eyes checked every year as a precaution.


LASIK is a better option for people with eye vision defects. This type of surgery is safer and has better long term benefits than wearing contact lenses. For the surgery your eyes will first be evaluated and surgery will then be scheduled.

Before the surgery don’t wear contact lenses for up to a week. Eat a light meal before the surgery and avoid wearing any head bands which may interfere in the surgery. The surgery lasts for 10 to 30 minutes. A medical device called microkeratome is used and the cornea is reshaped during the process. Local anesthesia is given to the patient during this time. Your vision may be blurred for some time after the surgery. This improves substantially after 24 hours and recovery is very fast. You must visit your doctor 24 to 48 hours after the surgery and at regular intervals for up to six months.

Advantages of LASIK:

The vision is corrected and you will have the desired vision after LASIK surgery. The patient experiences less pain because of the numbing drops which are used. Vision is corrected immediately or the next day. Bandages and stitches are not required after LASIK. Patients no longer need eye glasses or contact lenses after LASIK.

The possibility of eye infections is more in contact lenses wearers. An experienced surgeon must be consulted for LASIK. They must use the latest technology. Don’t let cost come in the way. Tell the surgeon your medical history. Consult your surgeon whenever needed.

Call us at 559-449-5050 to know which is the best option for you.

Natural lens of the eye is removed to be replaced by an intraocular lense in Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)

What is Extracapsular Cataract Extraction?

Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) is a type of eye surgery in which the lens of the eyes is removed, leaving the elastic capsule covering the lens which is left partially attached to allow the implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL).

Continue reading Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE)

There are different types of refractive surgeries that improve eyesight problems and eliminate dependence on visual aids. Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is one solution that has become quite popular because of the many benefits it offers.

What is LASIK and What Are It’s Benefits?

LASIK is a laser operation that uses ‘excimer’ UV rays to alter the shape of the cornea. This corrects any errors that cause visual impairment, when light does not focus accurately on the retina.

Data collected by research firm Market Scope estimated that over 600,000 LASIK procedures were performed throughout the USA in 2011 alone. Why, then, is there such a high patient count for a procedure that has been around since 1991?

The answer lies in the benefits that patients enjoy. Here’s why is a good treatment choice for those who qualify for it:

1. Lasting Solution and Quick Vision Correction

Sight improvement after a LASIK procedure is, in most cases, permanent. Sometimes, blurry vision can reoccur, in which case patients have to follow up with LASIK enhancement to restore their vision. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology reports that LASIK surgery has a success rate of up to 90%, with most patients recovering anywhere between 20/20 and 20/40 vision. As it is a laser procedure, it is quick and almost painless. This is hugely beneficial and convenient for the patient. The surgery only takes around 10 to 30 minutes.

2. Low-Cost Procedure and Saves Money

Compared to other refractive procedures, LASIK surgery is more affordable. The average cost ranges between $1,700 and $4,000 per eye, depending on your chosen eye care center, geographical location, your vision problem, etc. Many eye clinics also provide flexible financing methods (medical insurance, monthly installments, credit card payments, etc.). Since the results of this surgery last for years to come and may also last a lifetime. This saves you a lot of money as you no longer need to invest heavily in eyeglasses or contact lenses.

3. Fast Recovery and Minimal Pain

Your eye surgeon will make a small incision on the cornea, to create a flap of tissue that will be lifted during the surgery. Since the laser correction surgery is minimally invasive, recovery times tend to be fast. Some patients report improvements within a day or two, and most recover full vision function within a week. Contrary to the belief, this procedure is minimally invasive and hence is almost painless.

4. Natural Facial Attributes

An added bonus of this procedure is that it allows you to maintain your natural facial look. After prolonged periods of wearing prescription glasses, the eyes eventually look smaller or larger, since corrective lenses increase the eyes’ axial length (the retina continually adjusts backward or forward for clearer vision).

5. Ability to take part in different activities

Professional activities such as acting, athletics, defense etc., require correct vision. LASIK provides safe, reliable, quick, long lasting results and a near perfect vision. This allows the person to take up different activities which require correct vision.

6. Reduced Risks of Allergies and Infections

Many patients who underwent LASIK have shared cases of reduced allergy symptoms. These include reduction in sinus due to lack of pain resulting from glasses sitting on the nose, lesser headaches and lack of irritation and redness in the eye due to constant use of contact lenses.

7. Better Quality of Life

By eliminating visual aids, LASIK provides many other benefits. For instance, there will be less eye irritation, redness or allergic reactions caused by contact lenses. What’s more, not having to wear glasses will:

    • Eliminate sinus pain caused by the bridge of prescription glasses pressing on your nose
    • Get rid of headaches caused by the muscles in your eyes becoming overworked by corrective lenses
    • Improve side vision, which is usually blocked by the frame of eye glasses
    • Reduce glare from lenses that causes poor night time vision

Who Makes a Good Candidate?

LASIK is often recommended to patients who suffer from hyperopia (farsightedness) myopia (shortsightedness) or astigmatism (a vision defect associated with distorted or blurry images).

It can also correct vision problems caused by glaucoma disease, but only if there is no damage to the optic nerve and intraocular pressure remains normal when wearing contacts or eyeglasses. A vision test will determine the severity of glaucoma symptoms and determine whether this refractive surgery is a viable treatment option or not.

Patients with dry eyes or thin corneas may not qualify for this procedure, and it cannot restore cataract-triggered vision loss. If you’re unqualified for Lasik surgery, an ophthalmologist can suggest alternative refractive or laser technology procedures like PRK, which offer similar results.

Is LASIK Safe?

Like any surgical procedure, LASIK has risks. For instance, migrations of the corneal flap can cause complications such as inflammation, infections or even excess lacerations. There is also a possibility of developing dry eyes, double vision or haloes (mild glare) in the eye.

In rare cases, vision clarity may even deteriorate further, especially when patients miss follow-ups or fail to abide by post-operative care instructions. Some patients may be more predisposed to complications than others, in which case other alternative treatment options should be considered.

A professional consultation will help determine if you meet the medical requirements for a LASIK procedure. Contact the specialists at Insight Vision Center today!

Beta Blockers for Glaucoma

A lot of treatments today are designed to lower or control intraocular pressure (IOP), which may damage the optic nerve that transfers visual information to your brain.

Glaucoma eye drops are usually the first option over glaucoma surgery which may be quite effective at controlling IOP to prevent eye damage. If you are an eligible candidate for glaucoma eye drops, you may be prescribed more than one type to achieve the best IOP control.

Continue reading Beta Blockers for Glaucoma

Sports are fun, but they can also expose players to eye injuries, some of which result in impaired eye vision or even irreversible blindness. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, each year sees over 40,000 cases of sports-related eye injuries!

Although the statistics seem grim, there is hope. Prevent Blindness America, a leading volunteer eye health and safety organization, reports that 90% of all reported eye injuries in sports can be prevented if you take the necessary precautions and use protective eyewear.

Which Sports Can Cause Eye Injury?

Sports that expose players to eye injury are usually classified into 3 groups:

  • Low risk sports involve zero bodily contact and no flying or swinging tools (like balls, pucks, bats, and rackets). E.g. car racing, track/field running, cycling, gymnastics, and swimming.
  • High-risk sports (or collision sports), involve flying objects and a significant amount of body contact between players. E.g. lacrosse, tennis, baseball, football, and basketball.
  • Very high-risk sports that involve extensive body contact and players often aren’t allowed to use protective eyewear, increasing maximum exposure to possible eye injuries in sports like wrestling, MMA, boxing, etc.

Types of Sports-Related Eye Injuries

  • Abrasions: Medically referred to as a corneal abrasion, this is the least serious form of sports-related eye injury. It usually occurs when something sharp (e.g. fingernail or fencing sword) scrapes the outer surface of the eye, which is usually quite painful.
  • Eye Trauma: This is the most common injury type and occurs when something (fist, ball, knee, etc.) hits the eye with significant force. Eye trauma can cause mild (e.g. bruise) or severe (e.g. retinal bleeding) damage, depending on size, hardness, and velocity of the object hitting the eye.
  • Penetrating Injuries: These are the most serious eye injuries, almost always resulting in sight-threatening damage. They occur when foreign objects (e.g. BB pellets, pieces of eyeglasses) hit and pierce the eye.
  • Radiation Injuries: Caused by over-exposure to UV rays, these are quite rare and only occur with snow- and water-related activities.
  • Orbital Fracture:: Usually caused by a blunt force that breaks the bone surrounding the eyeball, the orbital fracture can also include optic nerve damage and facial trauma.

Depending on the severity of eye injuries in sports, certain cases can also result in permanent blindness. Any type of vision impairment will not only keep you out of the game for months but also affect your day-to-day life. This is why the importance of protective eyewear cannot be understated. Eye protection gear is easily available for all mainstream games including football, cricket, basketball, racquetball, lacrosse, skiing, golf as well as water polo.

Safety glasses not only ensure eye protection against foreign matter and flying balls but also keep the risk of impaired eye vision at bay.

Common Eye Injury Symptoms

  • Pain and/or bruising over affected eye
  • Blurred vision or visual loss
  • External or internal hemorrhage
  • The feeling of a foreign body within the eye

Preventive Tips and Precautions

  • Wear protective eyewear with cushioning along the eyebrows and polycarbonate lenses (that are powerful enough to protect against a .22 caliber bullet).
  • Being extra careful when engaging in sports that involve sharp or flying objects.
  • Wearing helmets and other face shields when appropriate.
  • Perfecting your dodging skills!
  • Get professional helps when picking your eye protection gear to ensure you are wearing relevant eye guards or goggles that shield your eyes against harmful UV rays.

Returning to Sports after an Eye Injury

Only an ophthalmologist can accurately predict how long an injured eye will take to fully heal, after conducting a thorough eye checkup. This is why it’s crucial to visit an eye doctor immediately after sustaining a sports-triggered eye injury.

Why Athletes Should Consider LASIK

Visually impaired athletes are at a great disadvantage. Their vision is less than a 100%, but corrective visual aids don’t help. Contact lenses get easily irritated by dirt or sweat, while eyeglasses can shatter while playing, and possibly even pierce the eyes. The best solution is LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery.

This special form of laser operation corrects a number of eye problems. With successful LASIK surgery and full recovery (usually at least 2 weeks), a visually impaired athlete will be able to play without wearing contact lenses or glasses. Tiger Woods, Greg Maddux, and LeBron James are some famous athletes who have enjoyed the benefits of LASIK.

Other than wearing a faceguard or protective eyewear that will bear the brunt of any impact during a game, visiting an eye care center for LASIK surgery could be your smartest move. At Insight Vision Center, we have an experienced eye care team that specializes in eye injury treatment and can efficiently address all your vision related issues. So, if you are ever faced with an eye injury, book an emergency appointment with us and keep your vision intact.

Your kid has made a successful visit to an eye doctor without causing any problem and has come out with a prescription for glasses. But the challenging part may begin now if he/she refuses to wear the glasses. The following suggestions will help you get the kids acclimatized with their new glasses.

Important Tips

  • Ensure The Glasses Have A Perfect FitThe frame should not pinch the ears or nose of your child. A well-fitting frame sits comfortably without leaving any pressure marks on the nose-bridge or ears. Check regularly if there is any skin irritation – change the frame if any signs of irritation show up. Most frames for infants and young kids are made of rubber-like materials for comfort. They also have bands that wrap around the head which prevents constant falling of the glasses, and also makes it difficult for kids to remove them frequently.
  • Check If The Prescription Is CorrectIf you child complaints that he/she can’t see clearly even with glasses or if they constantly look over the glasses, then chances are that the prescription is incorrect. Visit an eye doctor to get the accuracy of prescription rectified.
  • Take Baby StepsYoung children may find glasses very obtrusive when they first start using them and may start coming up with excuses not to use them. Don’t force it upon them – rather tell them to start wearing it for a few hours every day. Gradually increase their wearing time to full day. This gradual transition will allow them to get accustomed to glasses and, before they know it, they will be start wearing it regularly.
  • Make It A RoutineDeveloping a routine around the glasses will be beneficial for the children. Encourage them to put on the glasses after waking up and take them off only while sleeping or bathing. It might take some time but once they get into a daily routine, it’ll come easily and naturally for them to use glasses on a daily basis.
  • Practice Positive ReinforcementLetting the kids know that they look good in glasses will encourage them to wear the glasses. Treat them with a present for wearing the new glasses. Praise them every day, till they get comfortable, as positive reinforcements go a long way in convincing them to wear glasses regularly.

Read more on detailed eye health tips – 6 Essential Eye Health Tips for Protecting Your Child’s Vision

What If My Child Refuses To Wear Glasses

It’s normal for a child to resist wearing glasses when they are new for them. However, don’t let their resistance and annoyance make you lenient. Ensure that the prescription is correct and then gently explain why it’s important for them to wear glasses regularly. Positive reinforcement usually works. Be persistent and eventually the kids will start wearing them regularly.

Precautions to Take While Playing Sports

Children are prone to dozen of eye injuries on the sports fields and courts when they play without protecting their eyes. Protective eye-gear come in prescription and non-prescription lenses. If your kid participates in any of the following sport, make sport goggles a must in their sporting kit.

  • Baseball/softball
  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis/racquetball
  • Karate/martial arts

Children may hesitate to wear protective lenses if they are the only ones using the glasses in their team. Convince them to put on their glasses nevertheless. Allowing kids to choose their own eyewear will persuade them to wear the glasses.

If your child can’t see distant or nearby objects clearly, make a visit to an eye doctor or an optician to get their vision checked. Once prescribed, make sure they diligently use the eye glasses to prevent further damage to the vision.

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