5 Commonly Made Mistakes While Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

LASIK Surgeon

  Last Updated on May 28, 2024 by Aaron Barriga

Getting a LASIK surgery can be an exciting prospect. After all, you won’t have to deal with spectacles or contact lenses anymore! However, as exciting as it is getting under the laser, you must avoid some commonly made mistakes since one tiny slip can cost you your vision.

In this article, we will look at some common pitfalls that you must avoid to get the perfect vision with absolutely no side-effects after the surgery.

5 Common Mistakes to Look Out For

Any reputed ophthalmologist in Fresno would suggest you to look out for the following 5 mistakes.

    1. Low-Cost Surgeries: Price is the first thing you would check and opting for a low-cost surgery would mean risking your vision. It is important to remember that LASIK surgery is affordable but not cheap. If the doctors are charging a low price for the surgery, it should be a warning sign. Some reasons why they offer a low price include:
      • They are inexperienced.
      • They are using older technology which can lead to complications during surgery.
      • They charge extra for medications, enhancements and post-op care.
      • They have limited diagnostic equipment to conduct LASIK surgery exam to determine if you are indeed a good candidate for the surgery or not.
    2. Non-Availability of Documented Results: Doctors claiming that they have successfully treated hundreds of thousands of patients using LASIK procedure should have solid proof to back it up. Look for a surgeon who is willing to provide you documented results and takes no offense when you ask for them. Keeping a detailed record of the results would be a great service not only to the surgeon but also his patients.
    3. Opting for a Center Based Solely on High Number of Surgeries: Quality over quantity — you must have heard this phrase many times. The same can be applied for LASIK eye surgery as well. Just because a center has performed a large number of surgeries, it doesn’t necessarily imply that the surgeons perform a good quality job. Centers making these claims generally have numerous surgeons performing a limited number of procedures each. Ask your surgeon how many procedures they have performed — either on a daily or weekly basis. Even if the number is not as high as 100,000 (as some centers claim), check their success rate with the number of surgeries they have performed.
    4. Surgeons Offering Quick Consultations: The consultation should be an easy process but definitely not a quick one. A good consultation consists of various tests to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure or not. You should undergo a minimum of 12 diagnostic eye exams and be personally examined by the surgeon performing the procedure. In case you are subjected just 2 to 3 tests and declared a suitable candidate, it should be a sign to look for another surgeon. The ophthalmologist must take out the time required to carry every single test without rushing. At the same time, they should be able to answer every single question you have regarding the procedure.
    5. Choosing Someone With Obsolete Technology: Ask the eye specialist what kind of equipment they would use for the procedure. Ensure they are offering only the advanced technology to conduct the surgery. There are numerous centers which follow the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach which could be disastrous for you. The doctors must invest in different lasers which can allow them to customize treatments based on individual patient cases and offer them the best possible result. Look for those offering a blade-free treatment using only FDA approved equipment.

We, at Insight Vision Center, understand that while getting a LASIK operation is exciting, it can also be slightly nerve-wracking. We assure that we can answer any questions you have regarding the procedure and we will make our best effort to put you at ease. If you need to contact a reputed and experienced LASIK surgeon in Fresno, call us today and make an appointment.

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