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eye glasses with prescription

Do you suspect you or your loved one have astigmatism? Do you want to understand the astigmatism severity scale? You are at the correct spot. Astigmatism is a common eye condition that occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye is not perfectly curved, which affects how light enters your eye. This may cause blurry or distorted vision.

This can result in difficulties focusing on both near and distant objects. Luckily, it can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or LASIK eye surgery. Recognizing your astigmatism severity helps you manage it efficiently with a suitable treatment option. So, get ready to explore the world of astigmatism. This blog walks you through it all!

Where Can You Find Astigmatism Measurements on a Glasses Prescription?

If you want to know where to find the astigmatism measurements on your glasses prescription, here’s a summary for you:

  • The first number on your prescription indicates whether you are nearsighted (minus sign) or farsighted (plus sign). The greater the number, the stronger the lens power required to correct your eyesight.
  • Then there’s CYL, which indicates the severity of your astigmatism in diopters.
  • Finally, there is Axis. This value indicates where your astigmatism is positioned in degrees, ranging from 0 to 180.

What is the Astigmatism Severity Scale?

It is critical to comprehend the seriousness of your condition to determine the suitable therapy. The astigmatism severity scale axis has four categories: mild, moderate, severe, and extreme. Let’s get to know them in detail:-

  • Mild Astigmatism:  Mild astigmatism is less than 1.00 diopter. It is a pretty standard condition. Mild astigmatism is so common, and its symptoms are so mild that you might even have it and not know about it. Most people have this condition.
  • Moderate Astigmatism: Moderate astigmatism spans from 1.00 to 2.00 diopters. You may need therapy to function in day-to-day life with moderate astigmatism.
  • Severe Astigmatism: Severe astigmatism ranges from 2.00 to 3.00 diopters, and it is a pretty serious condition. Your eye doctor may probably suggest corrective glasses or contact lenses for treating severe astigmatism.
  • Extreme Astigmatism: Anything over the severe astigmatism scale is called extreme astigmatism. As the name suggests, the symptoms of this astigmatism degree of severity can be extreme and require urgent medical attention.

How Does a Doctor Identify Astigmatism?

When it comes to figuring out if you have astigmatism, the doctor has a few tricks up their sleeve. They are:-

  • Eye Chart: First off, you’ve got the classic eye chart – you know, the one with the big E at the top?
  • Phoropter: Then there’s the phoropter, which is like a fancy mask for your eyes that helps the doctor tweak your vision.
  • Autorefractor: Next, they might use an autorefractor, which is a cool gadget that measures how light changes as it moves through your cornea and lens.
  • Keratometer or Corneal Topography: Keratometer or corneal topography helps the doctor map out the shape of your cornea to see if it’s causing any wonky vision. It’s like a bit of eye adventure at the doctor’s office!

Which Astigmatism Degree of Severity Needs Glasses?

The requirement for glasses is mostly determined by the degree of astigmatism. If you have minor astigmatism, you may not require glasses at all. However, suppose your astigmatism is moderate to severe. In that case, glasses can help correct your vision and lessen any blurriness or distortion you may be experiencing.

It is always preferable to have your eyes examined by an eye care specialist to determine the best course of action for your unique case.

How Can LASIK (Laser-assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) Help With Astigmatism?

LASIK eye surgery can be an excellent option for correcting severe astigmatism. It can provide you with clearer vision and can reduce your dependency on glasses or contacts. It’s a quick and safe procedure that many people find life-changing.

The way LASIK works is pretty fascinating. A laser is used to reshape the cornea, correcting the irregular curvature causing the astigmatism. Your eye doctor can give you all the details and help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. If you are tired of dealing with astigmatism, LASIK could be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Are you tired of searching for top-notch eye treatment? Look no further than Insight Vision Center! Get ready for modern treatments like LASIK surgery, perfect for Astigmatism. Plus, our thorough eye exams ensure you receive the best care for your vision.

So, why wait? Trust the experts at Insight Vision Center to lead you to a better vision! Book your appointment now!

What Options You Have to Treat Astigmatism?

You’ve got some options to consider if you get diagnosed with Astigmatism. They are:-

  • Eyeglasses
  • Contact Lenses
  • Orthokeratology
  • Refractive Surgery

Book your appointment with us right now to discover the best course of action for your astigmatism!



Is it harmful to have 180-axis astigmatism?

In general, 180-axis astigmatism can result in blurred or distorted vision, particularly at specific distances or angles. To identify the best course of action, visit an eye care specialist who may recommend corrective lenses or other treatment options.

Are You Awake During LASIK Surgery?

Yes, your eyes remain open throughout the LASIK corrective eye surgery operation. People often assume that they will be anesthetized and put to sleep during a surgical operation. But that’s not the case! Moreover, the laser surgery just takes a few minutes to complete.

Is 0.75 astigmatism Evident?

A .75 astigmatism might lead to a bit of blurriness or distortion in your vision, especially if you’ve got sensitive eyes or have high visual demands. It might not be something that everyone notices, and how each person sees it can differ.

Does Lasik hurt?

Are you thinking about getting LASIK surgery? If so, you probably have a lot of questions. One of them being “Does LASIK hurt”? But, before answering this question, let’s give you an overview of this procedure and how it benefits you.

Well, LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a common eye surgery used to address vision issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. During the procedure, a laser is used to reshape the cornea. It improves how light is focused on the retina. LASIK often results in better eyesight and lessens the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Now is the time for the good news! LASIK procedure is generally painless. However, you may experience some discomfort after LASIK. This blog is here to provide you with information regarding what you may expect during and after LASIK eye surgery. Continue reading Does LASIK Hurt? Know the Ins & Outs of This Popular Eye Surgery!

Irregular shape of your eye’s cornea or lens

Are you wondering about the distinctions between Keratoconus and Astigmatism? You’ve arrived at the correct link! These two eye disorders are commonly confused with one another, but they are not the same. Understanding the differences between them is critical for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
So, strap in and prepare to plunge into the realm of eye health because you are going to discover the differences between these two in detail in terms of symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Let’s get started with Keratoconus vs Astigmatism!

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a condition in which the cornea thins and becomes cone-shaped, causing visual issues. It generally begins in the teens and ends in the thirties. Genetics, eye allergies, and certain connective tissue problems can influence the development of Keratoconus.

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a prevalent eyesight impairment caused by an irregular shape of your eye’s cornea or lens. It’s not precisely spherical like a marble but more like a football. Because the light entering your eye does not concentrate correctly on the retina, your vision may become fuzzy or distorted.
There are many forms of Astigmatism according to how they influence your ability to focus. For instance, hyperopic Astigmatism indicates that one of your eyes is farsighted.


What are the Symptoms of Keratoconus?

Symptoms of these eye health conditions are also similar. When you have Keratoconus, your eyesight may get hazy. Another significant symptom of Keratoconus is that even with glasses or contacts, your eyesight may not improve significantly.
You may also have problems with night vision and perceive glares and halos around lights. It is also possible to suffer from headaches, eye discomfort, and light sensitivity.

What are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

Astigmatism can also cause hazy vision with night-time glare, sometimes known as “Astigmatism lights.” You can also experience visual distortion, headaches, and eye strain with Astigmatism.

Astigmatism vs Keratoconus: Comparison Between Symptoms



Blurry vision Blurry vision
Headaches Headaches
Eye pain & itching in the eyes Slight eye pain
Glare and halos Night-time glare
Difficulty seeing at night Eye strain
Light sensitivity Squinting to see a better


What Causes Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is caused by a thinning cornea that can become distorted and develop into a cone shape. The thinning is caused by a loss of collagen, a protein that helps preserve the structure of the eye.

What Causes Astigmatism?

A defect in the eye’s cornea or lens leads to Astigmatism. This condition can be present at birth or develop later as a result of causes such as genetics, eye accidents, or particular eye disorders such as Keratoconus. While the causes of Keratoconus and Astigmatism differ, both can cause visual difficulties.


How is Keratoconus Diagnosed?

If you suspect you have Keratoconus, your eye doctor may do further tests along with regular eye check-ups, such as Keratometry or corneal topography. The doctor might also examine your vision with an eye chart and a phoropter. These tests help to analyze the refractive error in your eye by trying on different lenses.

How is Astigmatism Diagnosed?

To diagnose Astigmatism, the doctors assess the level of Astigmatism in your eye with an autorefractor or retinoscope. This includes putting light into your eye and monitoring the changes as it goes back and forth. A Keratometer can also be used to measure the curve of your cornea.
A corneal topography scan may also be performed to discover any conditions. This thorough imaging will reveal any astigmatism on the corneal surface as well as the presence of a steep cone.


What are Keratoconus Treatment Options?

Here are the possible Keratoconus treatment options you may opt for:-

  • Specialized Contact Lenses: Different types of contact lenses, like rigid gas permeable lenses, scleral lenses, and soft contact lenses, can be prescribed for different levels of Keratoconus.
  • Corneal Transplant: An eye doctor may recommend a corneal transplant in more severe cases where the corneal tissue has become very thin or scarred.
  • Corneal Collagen Cross-linking: This Keratoconus treatment uses a combination of ultraviolet light, and vitamin B drops to strengthen the corneal fibers.

What are Astigmatism Treatment Options?

Correcting Astigmatism is possible through the following treatments:-

  • Laser Surgeries and Other Procedures: Refractive surgery methods such as LASIK and other refractive surgery procedures reshape the cornea. They help light to focus more precisely on the retina.
  • Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses: These are the go-to solutions to deal with Astigmatism. Glasses and lenses help fix the way light focuses on the retina and deal with blurriness.

So, Astigmatism and Keratoconus can both cause hazy vision. But they are not the same, with distinct causes and treatments. The good news is that both of these may be detected at a routine eye exam.

Depending on the stage, treatment for Keratoconus might range from using corrective glasses to undergoing a corneal transplant. So either way, you don’t need to worry! Just make sure you visit an eye doctor as soon as you suspect any issue with your eye health.

If you also want information on Astigmatism and Myopia, you can check out this blog –

Astigmatism vs. Myopia – What’s the Difference?

How Can Insight Vision Center Help?

If you live in Fresno and need quality eye treatment, go no further than the Insight Vision Center. Our staff is dedicated to offering modern therapies such as corneal cross-linking and LASIK surgery, particularly for Keratoconus and Astigmatism.

We’ve got you covered with thorough eye exams to ensure you’re getting the finest vision care possible.

Trust the professionals at Insight Vision Centre to guide you to an improved vision!
Book Your Appointment Now!

ICL vs LASIK surgery

You are not alone if you are fed up with battling with glasses and contact lenses. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 2.2 billion people worldwide have visual impairments. Amongst them, you can find most people opting for either LASIK or ICL eye operation to help them see clearly and comfortably.

While both of these operations are efficient in correcting eyesight, their techniques differ, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This blog is all about ICL vs LASIK!
Continue reading ICL vs LASIK Surgery: Which One is the Best for Your Vision?

Does insurance cover LASIK eye surgery

Are you thinking about opting for a LASIK to fix your vision? That’s a good decision if it is recommended by your eye doctor as well. But here’s the question: do you get insurance for LASIK? Well, some vision insurance policies include benefits that can assist with the expense of laser eye surgery, but there may be restrictions.

So, if you are considering undergoing it, you should carefully review your insurance for LASIK to discover what sort of coverage you have for this vision correction surgery. The team of InSight Vision Center wants you to have all of the information you need regarding vision insurance plans so that you can make an informed decision. So, let’s dive in!
Continue reading Does Insurance Cover LASIK? What are the Other Ways to Afford it?

contact lense eyes

Astigmatism is a common vision health concern. It occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye has an irregular shape, which causes blurred or distorted vision. However, you don’t need to worry if you have this eye condition, as it is relatively manageable.

So, can you wear contacts with astigmatism to correct your vision? The simple answer is yes. You can wear contact lenses with astigmatism. However, it is essential to understand the different types of eyewear available for astigmatism and how to choose the right one. Let’s explore more!

Continue reading Discover Types of Contacts You Can Wear With Astigmatism

Astigmatism vs Myopia

Many individuals experience vision problems caused by refractive errors, which are commonly attributed to irregularities in the structures of the eye, such as the cornea, lens, or overall shape. Distinguishing between different refractive errors can be challenging since they often coexist. Among these errors, astigmatism and myopia are two prevalent disorders that can affect the eyes. While they share certain similarities, they also have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Continue reading Astigmatism vs. Myopia – What’s the Difference?

Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned

We all know about the harsh effects of ultraviolet rays and sunlight on our skin. In summer, we slather ourselves with sunblock lotion to protect our skin from sunburn. But many people do not know that our eyes are also susceptible to damage from the sun.

Yes, eyes can get sunburned when overexposed to ultraviolet rays. The condition is known as photokeratitis. Excessive exposure to UV rays, such as those emitted by the sun, damages the eyes’ surface, causing inflammation of the cornea (the clear portion of the eye in front of the pupil) and temporarily damaging the conjunctiva (a layer of tissue covering the inside of the eyelids and the whites of eyes)

Continue reading Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?

stress and vision problems

Stress may have an impact on your sleep, complexion, and digestion, but did you know it can also have an impact on your eyes? When you are worried or concerned, even briefly, your eyes might undergo changes such as increased intraocular pressure (IOP).

Although these changes are frequently transient, it is critical to understand how stress might affect your eyes, particularly if you have glaucoma or dry eye disease. This post will go deeper into the subject through frequently asked questions. So take a seat, unwind, and continue reading to discover the consequences of stress on your eyes. Continue reading Can Stress Affect Your Eyes?


As you experience eye discomfort, you may wonder if it’s pink eye or a stye causing your irritation. It can be challenging to tell these eye conditions apart, but understanding the differences between them is essential to receive proper treatment. At Insight Vision Center, we provide comprehensive eye care services, including treatment for pink eye and stye. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms, causes, and treatments for these eye problems. Continue reading Pink Eye vs. Stye – What’s the Difference?

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