Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Aaron Barriga
Blurred vision can be a result of numerous health conditions. It may be temporary or permanent, with the condition worsening over time. Some people can have blurry vision from birth due to a congenital disability, while others develop one over time. Long-term medical issues are typically to blame for the blurred vision that gradually gets worse. Most frequently, a single event is what causes sudden blurry vision.
Blurry vision can be corrected through LASIK eye surgery, or sometimes naturally, based on how common or serious the problem is, which generally depends on the causes. In this article, we will discuss both the causes for blurry vision & sudden blurry vision along with the natural and medical cures available.
What are the Causes of Blurred Vision?
Long-sightedness (Hyperopia)
This eye condition causes the objects that are close to appear blurry as the eye cannot focus properly. You can see clearly if the same object is moved further away. Hyperopia can be corrected with corrective lenses or LASIK eye surgery.
Short-sightedness (Myopia)
Myopia or nearsightedness is caused due to a refractive error in the eye. You may have blurry vision in one eye or both eyes and won’t be able to see far away objects clearly. Use of contact lens or eyeglasses can help correct myopia. You can even opt for refractive surgery for a permanent solution.
Astigmatism causes blurry vision at all distances. This is usually caused by an irregularly shaped cornea which doesn’t allow the light rays to come to a single focus point on the retina to produce clear vision, regardless of how far away the viewed object is from the eye.
Check out our blog – What Does Astigmatism Vision look like
This is a naturally occurring age-related condition when you begin to experience a blurry vision of objects that are close by. It generally affects people who cross the age of forty. It occurs due to the diminished ability of the eye to focus on near objects due to the hardening of the lens inside the eye rather than a defect of vision caused by the overall shape of the eye like hyperopia.
If you experience some vision changes like cloudy vision or a blurry spot in vision, night halos or glares at night, it indicates a cataract. If they are not removed, cataracts can grow really cloudy and have the potential to obstruct vision to the point of blindness. You can opt for cataract surgery to replace cataracts with artificial lenses. This successfully restores lost vision.
Eye Floaters
When you have eye floaters, your vision will be blurred by temporary spots or floaters that drift in your field of vision. Blurry vision and floaters usually appear when the eye’s gel-like vitreous starts to liquefy with age, which causes microscopic bits of tissue within the vitreous to float freely inside the eye and cast shadows on the retina. Though it is a normal part of the aging process, you must go to a doctor immediately if you see a sudden shower of floaters as it could signify a torn or detached retina.
Dry Eye Syndrome
Chronic or dry eye syndrome can affect your eyes in numerous ways. It includes blurred and fluctuating vision. One way to relieve dry eye syndrome is by using artificial tears like lubricating eye drops, however, more advanced cases might need a prescription medication or punctal plugs to keep the eye lubricated and healthy.
Over-wearing Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are definitely more comfortable than wearing eyeglasses but if you wear them for a longer period than prescribed, proteins and other debris from the tear film will start building up on the lenses. This will increase the risk of eye infections and cause the blurry vision of all a sudden.
This complicated eye condition belongs to a group of related eye disorders that damage the optic nerve resulting in loss of vision. So, if you’re experiencing hazy or blurry vision, glaucoma may be the cause. Since the symptoms of glaucoma are not visible until it has a significant impact on your eyesight, the best way to prevent glaucoma is to undergo an eye examination periodically. If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, your treatment options include medication, laser or glaucoma surgery depending on the severity of your condition.
Diabetes is the most common cause of blurry vision and studies have also shown a positive correlation between diabetes and cataracts due to elevated sugar levels in the body. So, if you are experiencing blurry vision due to diabetes, be sure to see an eye doctor and report your vision changes to reduce the risk of other eye problems.
Pregnancy generally accompanies morning sickness, swollen feet, constipation, backache, and fatigue but the hormonal fluctuations in the body can also lead to blurry vision while you’re pregnant. However, your vision may return to its normal state following delivery but if you suffer more serious vision problems, be sure to see an ophthalmologist immediately.
What are the Causes of Sudden Blurry Vision?
Some eye or health conditions can be the reason behind a sudden blurry vision. Let’s take a look:
Detached Retina
A detached retina is an eye problem caused by your retina tearing away from the back of your eye. When it detaches itself from the eye, there is no blood or nerve supply in the area. You will notice blurred or absent vision or see floaters in your vision.
Having a stroke affects a part of your brain that manages your vision. This can be a leading reason behind a sudden blurred vision or lost vision in one eye.
Wet Macular Degeneration
The macula is the center of your retina. When you suffer from wet macular degeneration, vessels will grow abnormally in the area, which can cause fluids and blood to leak into the macula. It causes sudden blurriness in the eye or is the reason behind vision loss.
Endophthalmitis is a serious medical condition that can cause inflammation in the fluids of your eyeballs. This eye problem can cause blurred vision, pus discharge from the eyes, or swollen eyelids.
A part of the brain is connected to your vision. So, when your brain takes the hit, a major part of your vision can get affected. A similar thing happens during a concussion, which is a mild traumatic brain injury. It can lead to permanent vision loss or eye damage.
This eye infection, also known as pink eye, is caused by bacteria or allergies. It affects the outer lining of your eye, causing inflammation or sudden blurry vision.
Eye Strain
Eye strain occurs when you focus on something for too long without breaks. Usually, people working on laptops or other electronic devices undergo a digital eye strain that is a reason behind their sudden blurred vision. Apart from this, reading in poor light can also strain your eyes.
Corneal Abrasion
Another reason you are faced with a sudden blurry vision is that you might have scratched your cornea – the clear covering in the front of the eye. When you injure your cornea, you are suffering a corneal abrasion.
Hyphema is an eye condition that causes blood to form in front of your eyeballs. This usually happens because of a previous eye injury and can become painful, increasing the pressure inside your eyes.
Many people suffer visual disturbance during a migraine attack. This is called an aura. When an aura follows a migraine, it can cause your vision to blur in one or both eyes, making it harder to focus. It can also be followed by flashing lights or wavy lines in your vision.
How to Cure Blurry Vision Naturally?
Blurry vision can be treated with home remedies or changes in lifestyle if caused by corneal abrasion, allergies, eye strain, weather, or dry eyes. Here are some non-medical tips that promote eye health naturally:
Like every other body part, even your eyes need rest after a long working day. Make sure you get enough amount of sleep. If you have prolonged electronic device usage, it is better to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Here, take a break every 20 minutes by staring at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Eye Yoga
Eye yoga or eye relaxation exercises are backed by science to provide you relief from strained eyes. These exercises involve many eye movements that strengthen the eye muscles and treat your blurry vision.
Healthy Diet
Changing your diet by adding eye health-promoting food is also a natural way to treat dry eyes and blurry vision. Start taking omega-3 fatty acids through omega-3 supplements or by increasing your intake of fish, walnuts, or flax seeds.
Moreover, including vitamin A in your diet is also an excellent way to eliminate the problem of dry eyes. Take dairy products, or go for a more plant-based diet like kale, carrots, red peppers, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
Quick Tips to Promote Eye Health
Apart from the above home remedies, here are some additional tips you can follow to keep your eyes healthy in the long run:
Quit Smoking
Smoking is the leading cause of eye problems such as cataracts, optic nerve damage, and age-related macular degeneration. Furthermore, it can irritate dry eyes. Hence, stop smoking.
Clean Contact Lenses
Before inserting and removing your contact lenses, wash your hands and clean the lens properly. Disinfect them as directed, and avoid rubbing your eyes while wearing lenses. Don’t forget to remove them before going to bed.
Protect Your Eyes
The weather can also be a leading cause of blurred vision. You can treat it by wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays in extreme heat.
Medical Treatment for Sudden Blurry Vision
Vision problems caused by stroke, endophthalmitis, glaucoma, concussion, detached retina, and wet macular degeneration require immediate medical attention. Blurry vision that is caused due to other health issues like diabetes can be addressed by taking the right medication. Don’t strain your eyes too much and try to prevent fatigue.
The medical treatment will differ based on what is causing blurry vision. For example, refractive errors like hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism can be corrected using eyeglasses or contact lenses, the latter being a more comfortable option.
If you want something more permanent, you can choose LASIK eye surgery, which is available at our eye care center in Fresno, CA. It is a quick, painless procedure that will give you better vision, and the results will last longer too.
Book an appointment at InSight vision center if you are looking for LASIK in Fresno.
Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK.
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